Responsive Course Design

This site is intended to help you transition from the classroom to the remote environment (and/or back again!) with confidence in your high-quality remote learning experience for our diverse students studying in a time of upheaval.

This workshop is divided into four core sections:

Section 1, titled Design, will walk you through the course redesign process that will align your content with your CLOs (course learning outcomes) in a flexible, modular format. By the end of the section, you will have developed a course structure that will ensure each and every course learning objective is sufficiently met whether you are in a classroom or remote.

Section 2, titled Activities, explores formative and summative assessments, how students can demonstrate their learning in any modality, and evidence-based practices for learning.

Section 3, titled Inclusion, discusses ways in which we can create an environment where all students can flourish.

The final section, titled Communication, focuses on creating class community, instructor presence, instructor-to-student communication, and student-to-student communication. Additional faculty resources are also provided throughout the workshop.

Our institutions are committed to providing high-quality educational experiences to all of our students. Please review the material in this workshop carefully and don’t hesitate to contact the facilitators with any questions you might have as you prepare your courses to be responsive to our unpredictable modality shifts.


Getting Started

This workshop is split into four sections, and it is important that you complete all of the readings, exercises, discussions, and activities in each section prior to moving into the next.

The main four sections are:

  • Design or redesign your responsive course
  • Activities for students to demonstrate their learning in any modality
  • Inclusion so all students can flourish wherever they are
  • Communication to grow class community and instructor presence.

We also have a page dedicated to Resources to help you find more examples and information.

How long each section takes will depend on your course, but we suggest setting aside at least an hour for each module. 

Questions? Comments? Please email us: or

Go to Section 1: Design